Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.


Those who are not from the US or don’t live in the US may want to tune out for this post, cause it will bore you to death.

I know.  I know.  The election was on Tuesday, and by now a million people have talked about all these topics (guessing there, didn’t actually bother to check yet) yet I still really feel this need to cue you guys in on what went down for the US on Tuesday.  And yep, that means that I am skipping my regularly scheduled program of ranting just to tell you about this.

OK.  To start us off let us talk about the candidates   There were 15.  In my state I only heard about two of these guys, I don’t know about your state but for me my commercial breaks went something like this:

“We’ll be right back!” says that overly cheery voice of a character from my favorite show.

The screen goes black and then the stars and stripes come out!  I face palm, already knowing what is coming for me.  “I am republican.  I am like 65 years old and want to run your country.  As a man I feel that I have the right to tell women that they should not be allowed to abort babies.  I am very right.  And am bad at voice overs.  Like really bad at them.  I have a plan, but it’s top secret so I shall not tell you.  Did I mention that birth control should be illegal, condoms should be shredded and I have a binder full of women?  I am Mitt Romney and I approve this message.”

Coke has a commercial and we all cheer due to lack of politicians.

Some woman cries about how she voted for Obama but he didn’t change anything.

The white house is shown and I sigh, deeply.  “I am a democrat.  Unlike my rival Governor Romney I do not have grandchildren.  Live and let live.  Save the dolphins.  Eat the salmon.  Avoid church like the plague.  I speak Spanish and can do voice overs in English as well.  No, I am serious, yeah no one knew that I spoke Spanish.  It took a lot of effort.  I have a real plan and am rich but don’t want tax breaks for the upper class.  Black and loving it!  BooYa!  I am Barack Obama and I approve this message.”

Cue in man talking about how awful Romney is.

“And now back to the Big Bang Theory.”

Regardless, there were 15 candidates for president, and as we all know Obama won.

My family watched the election night news (like the nerds we are) and it was interesting.  My brother didn’t care, though he should since he only has one more election until he will be voting.  He was off playing video games in the office.  My father was in the basement away from us since he is the only republican in the household.  My mom was just sitting there peacefully watching.  Me?  Oh, I turned it into a sporting event.  Every time that Romney or Obama got a new state I would cheer (or boo).  I threw things at the TV (and they wonder why it’s broken), I yelled at the top of my lungs, I had a freaking dance party when Obama passed 270.  And then I casually sat down on the couch and watched the speeches.

Now about the speeches.  In truth I couldn’t listen to it all, it was impossible, but I did know that Romney had only been prepared for the win.  So in his limo ride to the center he wrote down his “darn it, I soooo lost” speech on one of the papers from his binders of women.  Yet, I am sure that Obama was prepared to give the “haha, suck on that republicans” speech.

Three states voted on legalization of recreational marijuana.  Washington (state), Colorado and Oregon.  I would be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised that both Colorado and Washington voted yes on 64.  (And have you guys noticed how similar that looks to 69?!?!?!)  CU Boulder will be partying it up in January.  After intensive research on Boulder I learned about 4/21.  Well, good news Boulderites, 4/21 is becoming 365.  However, I don’t know enough about Washington to say anything on that matter.

Also, I hear there may be a new state.  That’s right people.  You heard it here for the 123,456,789,000,000th (woah!  totally split even!) time.  Puerto Rico (oh shnickies, is that how you spell that?) may become the 51st state in the US.  Something I have been wanting for quite some time, of course I have no say in the matter since I don’t live there.  I keep wondering what the new flag will look like.  Will there be a awkwardly place 51st star.  I can imagine the little kids questioning that right now.

“Why’s that star so lonely, Daddy?”
“Puerto Rico.”

And that it’s it.  I know, I am such a average Jo(sephine-lia-nelly) but I just had to get my say out there.


OK guys open up the windows and turn on the swamp coolers (yes, they are real things) because it is about to get fiery in here.  I am about to talk about something for which I have VERY strong opinions that I will not back down from, and as we all know Kenz with strong opinions on anything could mean a thirty minute rants of practically anything.  But today it is a very serious topic.

Let me start off my talking about the very term: Homophobia.  I have done a vast amount of research on the term “phobia” before I started to even write this post and after looking in two paper dictionaries (which were oddly enough both in my room) and about thirty online dictionaries I have decided that the best way to define a phobia is: a irrational, persistent fear of an object, activity or situation that may lead to an aversion of said thing.  The word “phobia” in itself is from the Greek/Latin word phobos which means fear.  After even more research I have found that the best way to define homophobia is: intense hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality.  However, there are very different physiological reactions from people with homophobia that are subjected to homosexuality versus people with most other phobias that are subjected to their phobia, which is proof that homophobia should not be considered a phobia from the clinical view point.   Also, the usage of the term homophobia suggests that homophobia is an individual, clinical problem that causes people to not be able to function around homosexuals however we all know that homophobia is actually a social phenomenon that’s root cause is in cultural ideas and teachings and that people that show anti-gay prejudice are fully functioning.

Now sexual prejudice bothers me, a lot.  The phrase “sexual prejudice” covers any behavior against gays, lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals and polysexuals and that is why I am using it.  Sexual prejudice comes out a bunch over the internet but  I would be lying if I said that I have never experienced it in real life.  Here are some things I have found:

The first one is a two part screen shot from my iPhone but it is the first example.  Enjoy!

This is just as stupid.

Is not a disability!  And it’s not tragic!

A concentration camp?  You are bringing a new point to my mind, dear Yahoo! Answers commenter.  And mister pouty face, I don’t think that the fact we have two opposite sexes changes anything, obviously.

Try to cure me and I will hurt you and I am sure that many other people will agree with me.


Sorry but this is the worst thing I have ever heard.  These guys say that they have nothing against homosexuals however if the person acts on their sexual preference then they are bad and should be “condemned to Hell”.  Well, I could just as easily say that I don’t hate straight people but if they have sex with the person they love then they deserve to be run over with a truck.  But I don’t because I believe in free love and since the action doesn’t hurt anyone then it’s not supposed to be judged.

OK.  I won’t say that they can use adoption.  Men can have a friend volunteer to have their baby and women can go to a sperm bank.  Bam!  I win!

Really?  Really?  Homosexuals are not pedophiles you dummy!  This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!

As you can see people are stupid and comment with stupid things, don’t post if you don’t know your facts.

A very basic argument that people will make against homosexuality is that it is wrong because homosexuals cannot reproduce, and because of this they should not get the basic human right of marriage.  By this standard you learn two things.  1) There is no such thing as a sperm bank or assisted pregnancy.  Gay men can’t get a volunteer to have their children and lesbians can’t go to a sperm bank.  2) The elderly, infertile, transgendered and many others that cannot reproduce should not be allowed to get married.

Another is that “God” never wanted there to be homosexuals.  First I don’t believe in God so your point is so irrelevant that it’s not even funny but all the same I will take the time out of my day to explain yet another two reasons that this is stupid (which makes three reasons for this point alone).  The first is that since the 1600s there has been a separation between law and church so the fact that God doesn’t like homos should not effect gay marriage laws.  And second I had heard, during church services that I was forced to attend, that God loves everyone and is the creator of the universe and if he created everything than he wouldn’t have made homosexuals in the first place.

One of my favorite arguments has to be: “Gay porn made them that way.”  Then how would you explain me?  I have never, ever watched porn but I still and a girl that likes girls (and boys).  Whenever I am on Yahoo! Answers trying to help someone understand something about their sexuality (because even whey I am not ranting on my blog I am still ranting, just on other sites) and see this argument I double over laughing.  Come on, people that are seven will say they know that they are gay, it’s not the porn that changes them.  Trust me.

Another one that gets me hysterical with laughter is the one where those homophobs that know nothing claim that gay people chose to be gay.  As if.  There are many people out there that are wishing they weren’t gay, do they get to choose?  No!  So there goes that argument.  🙂

So as I have made it clear sexual prejudice is incredibly stupid and the people that are ‘homophobic’ need to come up with some better arguments.  However, writing this post was super fun because I love reading people’s opinions on things like this because they often make me laugh.  So if you want to add something or defend something please do.  Comment or if you want it to be anonymous you could send me an email at and I will read it and I might laugh and if it is really good I might post a comment or a post on it  but don’t worry like I said it will be anonymous.  I am just really bored and love hearing your opinions.  🙂 Kenz loves you!


I want to apologise in advance for my awful transition from American English to British English. However, I love the spellings of BE and truly am bored of AE.  Colour is such a fit spelling for the normally boring “color”. And let’s face it petrol is more entertaining than “gas”. I would love to say mum instead of ” mom “, in fact I already do. Yet, since I am new at British English I will sound a tad like a Canadian for a bit as I switch back and forth between the spellings. I love you all and thanks for keeping with me even though I am doomed. Help if you can. I would love criticism for BE fails.

EDIT:  Also, I have made a new blog Yank Learns British English that I would love if you guys checked out.  It has shorter posts and stuff but hopefully you will like it.  Click on the name to go!  GO!  Fly my monkeys!  Fly!  Ok.  That was weird, but not weird enough for me to edit out…


I don’t know if this is true for all people or just some selection of the world but I have found that sometimes people just sit down make these lovely characters, fall in love with all of them, and write a story.  I have been doing this since I was very young with stories about fairies and twins, Emily and Emma, and their elf friend, Fred.  Of course back then I really didn’t have complex stories and tended to borrow names (Emily is my best friend’s name).  Now my stories and writings have become more complex, at least when I put my heart into it.

By complex of course I mean I have a notebook almost fully filled with any character and plot I have created since February.  That’s a lot to write down when you are only a teenager with no real chance of publishing in the near future.  However, with websites like Wattpad I can still get my work to the world.  It’s a great way to practice writing, as well.

About a month or two ago I came up with a single character named Remy.  She was this great character in my mind and I wrote her down quickly and perfectly.  The problem was that Remy had no story.  Nothing that made her come to life to other people.  Sure I could post a character description online, but let’s face the fact that it simply wont work if I want people to like Remy.  A few weeks later I got a story idea and wrote the first few pages.  This is a problem with how I write.  I have always written from beginning to end.  It’s not only annoying but also extremely boring.  Starting at the end isn’t a good way to go either, however it seems better than start to finish.  When you are going in chronological order you get to this point where you’re just like “I want the end and I want it now!” and then you quit.

No!  I would not do that again, yet I still started at the beginning.  Old habits die hard.  As always after about a week of being stuck in the start to finish rut I kind of gave up.  I don’t like that system, and that time I only got a few pages in before all I could look forward to was some dramatic fight I had ringing in my ears.  I put down the pencil and put the story away.

After a week I was stuck at a coffee shop with my brother.  We were an hour into staring blankly at each other when Remy came to mind.  There, on the spot, I picked up a pencil from my backpack and my history notebook and wrote a scene that would happen right next to the end.  To do so I created five characters.  The group of two.  The two home-town best friends.  The love interest.  I finished the scene the next day, it turned out to be like ten pages in minor detail.  For the next few days I tried to keep my mind on Remy and her story but I realized that I had no chance of doing so without a real plot, something that when you write from start to finish you might even be able to avoid using.

I sat down and spent a week on the plot.  A full week of looking at a graphite covered lined notebook given to my by my mother.  It was the kind that is nice and expensive, the kind you almost don’t want to use because it looks too good.  My side of my hand was covered in shiny grey pencil lead by the end, reminding me of the days when I drew for hours on end to no avail.  Oh, but there would be a finished product this time!

With my plot written.  A map literally drawn and characters all made I sat down again.   Nothing.

Turns out inspiration comes at weird times, all of mine since the coffee shop have come from old music.  In my Student Aid class at school I was listening to the Fray’s song “How to Save a Life” and automatically had to change somethings in my plot to make the scene of fifteen pages usable.  After a Joan Jett two-disc set I wrote a good few scenes.  The Beatles “Help!” helped me through another.  While I was clipping my toe nails I got a good scene from the song “Rebel Rebel” by Bowie.  None of these were exactly preferable seeing as that in all these cases I had something I should be doing, including trying not to slice off my fingers while making dinner, but was focused on writing a scene in my head instead.

Now I have so many scenes that I put them all in order in a binder.  If someone were to read through the binder they wouldn’t understand it a bit because I still haven’t written so much.  However I have forty pages that are all for the very beginning and all go together flawlessly.  A binder clip separates those pages from the rest.

I have all of my story hand written at this point.

The reason I have talked about this so much is to tell you that there are many different ways to write.  Maybe you write from start to finish or vise versa.  Maybe you write scene by scene and slowly piece it all together.  I have no idea what you do so share it with me in the comments if you write.  Perhaps we can all learn something today.


Hi and welcome to my place to complain.  Let me explain the difference between the story I am going to tell and this here blog.  You don’t know me.  You don’t know my friends.  The story I am telling is about an awful person I know that went very public to people she knows about something embarrassing for someone else.

There is this girl.  For the sake of this story let’s call her Sally.  This guy, Bob, liked her, a lot.  Bob asked Sally over text what Sally would say if Bob asked Sally out, hypothetically, and Sally rejected him flat out.  That was kind of Sally, no need to lead the guy on.  However, Sally didn’t stop there.  She took a screen shot of the conversation and posted the picture to Instagram.  That wasn’t so nice.  Bob just wanted to ask out Sally, in a private way, to get the answer so that he could get on with his life and like other people without thinking “What if…?” forever.  It wasn’t embarrassing to Sally.  It didn’t insult her to be asked out but she took it and made it an awful experience for Bob.

Before I saw the picture and then heard her talk about it I considered her really nice.  Before I SAW it with my eyes I took no one’s word for it.  But then I did.  And then she was talking about it.  My opinion for her dropped so fast.  I can’t even look at Sally anymore.  Bob is really nice and didn’t do anything wrong.

Now the reason I tell you this is to bring up the subject of back-stabbers.  I am going to go more into this in a rant later.  But, until then I am just going to say that you shouldn’t back-stab people.  That means no:

  • gossiping (it’s totally not okay.  Sure, maybe everyone else is doing it, but at the expense of someone else.  If you don’t like someone then go tell them, to their face, why bother with telling others when you can be straight forward?)
  • talking about people behind their backs (like gossiping.)
  • posting things to social media about others (what Sally did was NOT cool.  And if I easily built respect for people she would have lost it all.  I had no respect so no I jsut think of Sally as a b*tch!)
  • using information someone trusted you with as blackmail (I think this is illegal anyways.  But it is  tots uncool.  If someone trusts you you don’t break that trust.  OK?)
  • and generally being an awful friend.

Kay, see you later.  I’ve got plenty more to say.  If you have something you want to say to me comment.  Ideas?  Comment.  Or email me at .  NOTE: no direct replies will be given if you choose to email me.


Oh my dear non-straight folk that are not quite ready to bloom, I am addressing you today because I too am in the closet.  Since I am in the midst of a search to find the best and greatest blog series that I can do I have decided that perhaps this will spark an interest in readers and draw more in, however my choice of subject is purely due to lack of other ideas at the moment.  Now, back to the topic at hand.  My letter to the internet boys, girls and everything in between.  As of late many of my friends have come out to me.  In fact in the past year alone more than five of my friends have told me that their sexuality was not quite straight.  The first of these was quite a while ago and it honestly was a bit of a new experience.  At that point I still was quite sure that I was straight, it’s a lovely thing called denial which brings you no happiness.  By the time the second person admitted I was beginning to question myself.  If I had been so straight than how come I liked girls?  Why was I so bent of being straight?  The answer is that when people are not sure of their sexuality or are in denial about it they might get very homophobic in some small ways.  Sure, I never hated gays, nor did I insist that they not act upon their love, however I didn’t allow myself to consider being anything but straight.  When the fourth cam around I was ready to admit it.  I am not straight.  And just recently, when my fifth friend came out to me, I came out to my mother. However, this little background on me will teach the young, shy and afraid very little on how to come out or how to better conceal their gay-dom.  So rather let me tell you a few things I have learned about in my time as a friend to the in-the-closets, being in the closet and my denial days.

The first thing I can honestly say that you should do is learn to accept yourself.  If you are in denial about being gay or whatever your entire life than you will never be happy.  This doesn’t mean that you should shout it from the roof top and go out and by a pin that says “I am not straight” or anything.  No, all I am saying is that I always felt stressed and awful when I was denying my sexuality.  Just get used to you because you are someone that you will have to live with your whole life.

The next thing to know is that no matter what point of coming out you are at never dis homosexuality.  Let me tell you why.  As it turns out there are more bisexuals and people of different sexuality out there than you ever knew.  So when you tell your friends that being gay is gross than you may have just insulted the one friend that would have understood you when you need someone to talk to later on.  I have a friend that insulted my sexuality without knowing and then later on came out.  I forgave her because I know that when she acted that way it was either to cover up how she truly felt or because she was in denial and wouldn’t let herself think about being anything but straight.

Now, remember that you should never feel pressured to tell anyone but sometimes you consider coming out.  The best way to do this is completely unknown to me.  I sadly have very little information to share in this category.  I have only recently came out to my mom.  My mom.  But I just came out and said it.  Before you even do that make sure your parents would be okay with it and won’t over react.  And then maybe you will consider coming out to the world, however make sure that you know how it will effect your life first.  That is all I can say on the subject.

So thanks for reading.  I will have a new letter every few weeks, probably once a month on Fridays.

Love you,



Over the past few months my opinion has changed on this so many times and I have so much pinned up aggression towards this subject that it is time I just let it all out.  Let me explain the background of this post first though.  Okay, so since I was little I never believed that long distance relationships worked.  It was a simple fact of life just like how there were no monsters under the bed.  However over the summer I met someone and we were together for over a month, yes in a LDR.  But we broke up like I originally expected.  But, during the time I was his girlfriend I got a bit of a new view on LDRs.  And I really needed to just make a T-Chart so after I did that and got all my thoughts organized I decided that it would make a lovely rant since I have some strong feelings and some great stats.

OK.  So I am going to do this the same way I did the 1D post a while back.  I will have one point for and one point against until I run out and whichever goes longer wins my favor.

For: 32.5% of college relationships are long distance.  This is nice because if you are in college and in a long distance relationship you know that other people are going through the same thing.

Against: On average the couple remains apart for 14 months before they can live near each other.  This is bad because they have to be apart for about 14 months.

For: 75% of engaged couples were long distance at some point.  Yay!  This means that these relationships work out.

Against: There is an average of a 2.7 day distance between calls.  2.7 days can feel like a life time.

For: Only 40% of long distance relationships end while still considered a long distance relationship.

Against: 40% break up.  That’s not more than half put it’s forty couples out of 100.  Eighty out of 200.  120 out of 300.  Not the best chances.

For: 3.75 million marriages are long distance.

Against: To maintain a relationship you have to be there for the person which is hard in a long distance relationship.

For: When you get to see them you are really happy.

Against: You can’t be near them when you really need them.

Against: People change over time so you may not feel like you know them at sometimes.

So in the logical state that I am in long distance relationships don’t seem worth it.  However, maybe they are worth it for love.  For me it was never a big deal but when you really love someone deciding whether or not to stay with them despite the miles between you can be really rough.  I never would say that no one should give it a shot but I will say to weigh the positives and negatives because that is the best way to something like this.

It is my personal opinion that a long distance relationship will never work for me.  But that is just me.

This was the worst rant ever but it helped me a bit and I hope it can help someone else too.  And admit it, the statistics really sold it, eh?



OK.  For me, there are several posts in a week that were hard to decide on.  My favorite being Sundays.  Sundays will be a bit of a random day, but not quite like Wednesdays.  And maybe a few rants… but not as harsh, deep or many as Thursdays.  Sundays were the hardest to schedule because I am not that interesting and really haven’t go much to say.  So to start off the Odd Sunday Bi-Weekly Creeper Moments (that is the name) I am going to have a series of questions (in bold) with answers (in normal font).  Answer if you want.  Ask more questions if you want.  Blah.  Blah.  Blah.  I want to do question-answer as frequently as possible without getting repetitive, but I will do one at least one a month and if there are no questions than I shall get 1) creepy, 2) odd and 3) I will have the worst questions ever!!!  Yay!  So here we go!

NOTE: I am actually putting effort into this, normally I answer with blunt, rude and disrespectful remarks, so just feel happy that I am ACTUALLY answering these.

1) If you could be anyone who would you be?

In all honesty I am quite ford of being me, however I will say (for the purpose of this activity) that I would be Adam Lambert.  Yes, Adam Lambert.  He is indeed a guy.  Thanks for asking.  And yes, he is also gay.  However, those are (mostly) not the reasons I chose him.  I will now explain myself.  The first and most obvious answer being that I think Adam Lambert is probably the sexiest guy ever.  I love him, but not in the creepy stalker way.  I just think he is really cool and honestly he is a real inspiration for me.  Next, hello, he is a huge inspiration for me because he is so openly gay.  That is something I wish I could be.  I wish I could just be so cool with myself.  But I am not.  Also, if you guys have ever heard him sing then you better understand this.  So, yeah I would be Adam Lambert if I could be anyone.

2) What is you most personal, intimate place?

My iPod.  This seems purely crazy, and I know that.  But at the same time I just love my iPod.  I never could feel more exposed than I do when someone is looking through my music.  And it’s not that I am afraid that they will judge me for my music taste, no I couldn’t care less what they think about me or my music, it’s just that I put my heart into picking those songs to go on my iPod, I made those playlists after hours of thinking.  My personality, my real honest personality, is in that iPod.  From those songs you could learn more about me than I would ever tell anyone.  With five minutes of going through that iPod you could learn more about me than you would ever learn in years of being near me.  I mean, there are a few people I let near the great iPod but there are very few.

3)  How do you treat people?

Not well.  I really don’t like people and it takes a while for me to open up to people.  I have a bit of a trust problem.  OK.  So I don’t judge people, I am not one to gossip or spread rumors, I don’t talk about you behind your back yet I am the coldest, meanest and truly worst person to complete strangers.  I don’t give respect to anyone (other than the basics of not judging, gossiping, back stabbing and such) until they have earned it.  While I won’t hurt you behind your back, ever, no matter what you do to me, I will be a complete jerk to your face.  I will insult you.  I will ignore you.  I will literally hurt you with my fists.  But only to your face.  I won’t go behind your back to do this.  I have something to say it will be done to your face.  And not just because I hate rumors, back stabbers and all those people and things but also because I know that if it gets to you anyway but through me it will be morphed and changed and not said with the correct emotion.  On a different but similar note I will also say that in person I am sometimes very monotone, don’t really like to show emotions and if you get on my nerves I will show you that I am angry but that is it.

4) Have you had any bad experiences?

Yes…?  I was nearly run over by a car in a blizzard.  I nearly drowned at a pool.  I have broken four bones.  I have have been bullied.  I recently realized I will never be accepted at my school.  Oh, and a few days ago a very pretty girl told me that she used to have  a crush on me but she moved schools and likes new people.  Ugh, pity moment over.

5) What does you room look like right now?

Slightly messy with ugly walls, tacky lighting a sleeping dog.

6) What is the closest living thing to you right now?

My dog.  She’s sleeping on my bed, with her head on my back.   She has a very heavy head.

OK.  That is all I can take for today.  Comment with answers, questions and such.  Email me at to email me.  I can’t even come up with a reason.  And remember that I love you all!


Hey guys.  Ahh, Friday.  A day for celebration, of the end of the school/work week and the beginning of the weekend.  Which let’s face it is really a bad name for it, however, instead of going further with this I will just add it to a list of future rants and begin the actual post.  So today I am bringing back the excuses.  To start if off I am gonna talk about something I have some serious experience in.  Being weird.

1.  I had coffee.  Which is connected to the caffeine bone.  And that connects to the hyper wire!  Ok.  Maybe not that wording but I think you get my point.

2.  I don’t sleep at night!  Because nothing says, “I am not as weird as I seem!” as when a person screams a random fact about themselves.

3.  Je ne parle pas anglais!  French.

3.  It doesn’t matter if you love him or capital H-I-M
Just put your paws up
‘Cause you were born this way, baby

My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars
She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir

There’s nothin’ wrong with lovin’ who you are
She said, ’cause He made you perfect, babe
So hold your head up, girl and you you’ll go far
Listen to me when I say

I’m beautiful in my way
‘Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Don’t hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way, born this way

Ooh, there ain’t no other way, baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
Ooh, there ain’t no other way, baby, I was born this way
I’m on the right track, baby, I was born this way

Don’t be a drag, just be a queen
Don’t be a drag, just be a queen
Don’t be a drag, just be a queen
Don’t be

Give yourself prudence and love your friends
Subway kid, rejoice of truth
In the religion of the insecure
I must be myself, respect my youth

A different lover is not a sin
Believe capital H-I-M
I love my life, I love this record and
Mi amore vole fe yah

I’m beautiful in my way,
‘Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Don’t hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Ooh, there ain’t no other way, baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
Ooh, there ain’t no other way, baby, I was born this way
I’m on the right track, baby, I was born this way

Don’t be drag, just be a queen
Whether you’re broke or evergreen
You’re black, white, beige, chola descent
You’re Lebanese, you’re orient

Whether life’s disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
‘Cause baby, you were born this way

No matter gay, straight or bi
Lesbian, transgendered life
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born to survive

No matter black, white or beige
Chola or orient made
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born to be brave

I’m beautiful in my way
‘Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Don’t hide yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way, yeah

Ooh, there ain’t no other way, baby, I was born this way
Baby, I was born this way
Ooh, there ain’t no other way, baby, I was born this way
I’m on the right track, baby, I was born this way
I was born this way, hey
I was born this way, hey
I’m on the right track, baby, I was born this way, hey

I was born this way, hey
I was born this way, hey
I’m on the right track, baby, I was born this way, hey

Yeah.  I went there.

4.  I was kicked in the head by a flying hippo as a child.  Yep.  Just say something like that.

5.  The raccoon likes me!  Why can’t you?  Look.  I have run out of ideas.

6.  The Devil told me to do it!  🙂

7.  If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!  *claps*  Why didn’t you clap with me?  Oh, yeah, because you’re not being WEIRD makes you sad!  Fact.

8.  The telly did it to me!  It was the gay porn!  Ok.  It’s late and I really am tired.  Only 3 more to go…  However, in my humble opinion I really do believe that is is the best one I have come up with.

9.  Ouch.  You hurt me.  Sarcasm.  My favorite thing, EVER!

10.  You’re ugly face drove me to the point of insanity!  And it may not even be a lie!

11.  The hair dye got in my brain, man… Say it in that hippy, calm, druggie tone.  Makes it better.

Ok.  I am sorry for *this*.  I know it sucked.  But I was distracted so many times by Chrome being such a clear choice for a browser that I am honestly surprised I even finished this.


Nothing is better than a great book, just like how nothing is more irritating than a book that is slow-paced, hard to read and BORING.

On average I’d say I read about 5 books a month (during the school year).  However, I am known to read 7 books in a week, because I can read most 200-600 pages books in under a day.  And what does all this reading cause?  Well, it can cause the reader to start to not be able to differentiate the actual given (written or said) information from their own thoughts and mistake their inferring for the actual given information, it will often cause for a person to suddenly shut themselves off from the world if the book is good enough, in some people it may mean that their emotions will go along with the tone of the book (if this is true for you don’t read super depressing books and if you do get help before you kill yourself), it could possibly be cause for tired eyes or quickening reading pace; however for me it has always meant adding to a list of things that bother me.  When I read Harry Potter it bothered me that Harry was so arrogant “Oh, look at me I am ‘the boy that lived’ so I can save you all,” so I added it to my list.  When I read Crispin I didn’t like that the author failed to include much humor, given it was a book that took place after the Plague and there wasn’t much to laugh about (except rotting corpses–if you find that funny), but still she/he could have involved something greatly funny!  When I read any book about a future society–Matched, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Delirium–I try to focus on the new parts of the story because there is honestly only one story to tell there (bad society, person wants out, person brings it down) but a million ways to tell it, which is what I focus on, while getting lost in the character’s dreamy eyes (that I imagine), but the sheer cliche bothers me to no end.  And the list goes on.  So rather than keep the list bottled up in my head I shall share it with you all.

One of the first things that ticks me off is when the author has meaningless dialogue.  In all truth it gets even worse when there is barely any dialogue.  Some writers like to balance how much of the story is told in dialogue with how much is told in thoughts, or whatever, but some others just feel the need to fill empty space with pointless dialogue.  Readers don’t care about how the weather is, they don’t want to know about some sub-sub-character’s love life, so don’t mention it.  But that doesn’t mean avoid dialogue.  Dialogue is interesting and shows off a character like a kid does with a new toy (shows all the traits) so you have to have it in the story.  Authors are often told to use it when possible.  Tell the story with dialogue and add in mental commentary and actions, just don’t a little small talk.

When an author completely dumbs-it-down I get super irritated.  I guess some people will get irritated when the author just expects you to fallow what they are writing, too.  Some authors have this vast knowledge of science and utilize it in their writing.  They use proper terms and explain it just enough to keep the reader understanding.  This works great when the reader has some knowledge of said science.  When they don’t it gets bad, fast.  The reader will feel like the book was written in an alien code and will find it hard to read.  To deal with this some authors will dumb down the information, not trusting enough of their readers to understand.  For some of the people that read this is very helpful but for others it just makes them mad.  To me it gets me thinking, “If I can sit here and think ‘A person could change the wording and sentence length and a five-year old could read this and understand almost every concept,’ the author needs to make this a little more challenging.”  And I think that because often when I read I want there to be some small amount of challenge.  I just can’t read a super-dumbed-down book.

2-D characters will make me want to tear my hair out.  Fact.

When the author uses one of those cliches.  Oh, I read this last month in that other book but I am sure that this will still have me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens, even though I already know the end.  NOT!

Too much cheer.  You know that HAPPY, happy,  OMG I AM SO HAPPY, happy, HapPy, gets super boring.  So there needs to be more sadness in books.

And finally, sappy romance.  I can love it if it is in between intense fight scenes but otherwise I hate it.  Romance is not my thing.  I don’t believe in true love or anything like that so in all honestly I would rather have a violent story than a cute lovey-dove story any day.  🙂

And that is that.  You know now.  More might be added in a part two later.