Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.


While I probably should have posted this before noon so that everything was clear I didn’t.  Well the point is that I am back!  Also, my other blogs should be getting posts later.


OK, so recently I started not seeing things that are right in front of me and began walking directly into them, a real shame, too since I tend to do this a really bad times, like when there is an entire crowd watching.  So here it comes, 11 Things to Walk Into.

  1. Signs that tell you to watch your step.  This is pure irony when this happens but you gotta love it.
  2. Automatic opening doors.  I actually have a friend that has done this.  They got a nice bruise on their nose from it.
  3. The side of a truck.  Because sometimes you just don’t see the giant truck sitting there in your way.
  4. A shut, wooden, door.  Did you know that most humans lack the ability to walk through solid objects?  Some people just are not aware of that fact.
  5. A wall next to a door.  “Oops, I didn’t aim my feet properly.”
  6. Any wall far away from the door.  What are people thinking when they do this?  Maybe if I close my eyes and walk straight ahead the door will just move so I can walk through it.
  7. Poles, trees and other narrow, straight things.  This can hurt.  And you will look very stupid if you ever attempt this.
  8. You’re computer screen.  Go on.  Try it.  You know you want to.
  9. Expensive things in a store.  You’re all O.O and they people are all *o* and then it gets awkward and you have a large dent in your wallet.
  10. A store display.  Beware.  If you do this everyone inside the store will turn to look.  The store attendants will give you dirty looks.  And then guilt will consume you.  Once this happens you may dash.  Or maybe you will apologize and dash.  Or possibly you will try to fix the display, but dash when it fails miserably.
  11. People.  Nothing is more awkward.  Your hands may go flying and end up in a place you don’t want to be feeling up, or maybe you will spill a gallon of steaming hot coffee on their white clothes.  You never know.

That’s that.  🙂


Hey guys.  It’s Kenz with a pretty important message.  I will be taking a break from posting.  This is because I want to have at least 2 months of posts all ready before I begin posting again.  Originally I planned to only take a week to do this but I totally slacked off and it was really bad but I really am just not saying when I will start posting again it will be a while and when it happens I will have some great posts (I hope).  So thanks for sticking with me through this transition.  I love all my readers so I hope you will be happy when I post again.  Complain about this in the comments or email me about it.  My email for my blogs is and I am always checking it so if you want to get a hold of me to complain or suggest ideas that is the best way since I tend not to check WordPress when I am not posting.  So feel free to email me about anything you have a problem with.  Yay!  See you all soon!


Thanks for clicking to my blog.  Here you will find pages upon pages of things to make you bored.  Click back to leave.

OK.  For my first Sunday post I have something wonderful to share with the world.  So as you may or may not know I have a HUGE distaste for labels but sometimes it’s fun to take online quizzes with stupid answers.  So I was taking a “Which Subculture are You?” quiz and say all the answers for Emo and I was like “Holy potatoes!  Why does that sound a bit like what I wear???”  So I Googled “How to spot an Emo.”  And I found out that if you were to look at me on the street you may think I am Emo.  Skinny jeans (I have them in 9 different colors–and 5 of those are shades of black).  Hair cover ONE eye (been there, still there).  Band shirts (every day).  Eyeliner?  YES!  OK.  So that’s pretty much it but since I talked about this for like 2 minutes I am going to leave you with something to drool over:

Oops wrong picture.  I meant:

Hm.  Emo cupcakes…




As you may or may not know I am posting this on Friday.   Friday is a series day.  Last week it was 11 Stupid Things People Say, however because stupid things can be hard to find I have decided that Fridays shall be alternating.  And therefore I have created a brand new series!  11 Wonderous Quotes.  Perfect.  Some will serious, some inspirational and some just plain stupid.  Don’t set your bar too high because I am just making this up and am a bit of a blond.  We will now start our list.

  • “If only God would give me a clear sign.  Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank.”  -Woody Allen
  • “I’d like to live like a poor man–only with lots of money.”  -Pablo Picasso
  • “I have opinions of my own–strong opinions–but I don’t always agree with them.” -George W. Bush
  • “Money doesn’t make you happy.  I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.”  -Mark Twain
  • “The only difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has it’s limits.” -Albert Einstein
  • “I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” –Woody Allen
  • “I never made one mistake in my life.  I thought I did once, but I was wrong.” -Charles Monroe Schulz
  • “Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.”  -Lily Tomlin
  • “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” –Walter Bagehot
  • “Whenever I think of the past it brings back so many memories…” –Steven Alexander Wright

Howdy.  (Only said that because I at the top of the screen WordPress is introducing “Sunspot to the world with a little cream colored bar and the word ‘howdy’.)  So today I would like to share with you a list of some of the oddest searches that have led people to my blog(s).  These unfortunate souls typed in some odd things and came across my lovely blog, only to find that it was most likely not what they were looking for.  I am going to bold the search phrase and then fallow it with my statements.

young girls
OK.  So I know that is is an odd foot to start off on, but I am just going down the list.  Now, I don’t know what the searcher meant to find.  That was a lie.  I can guess.  Well, they didn’t find it.  I have no pictures of naked little girls on my blog so the person most have clicked away.  Pedophile.  The sad part is that this search led people to my blog MULTIPLE times.  More than once.  How many people want to look at young girls???

10 words not to rezumate
Huh?  English please?  Ok, according to Google Translate (my trusty[?] pal) “rezumate” is Romanian for “summarized”.  Yep.  I am just as confused as you.  10 words not to summarized?  I don’t get it.  I am just plain confused.

change one thing about yourself
Maybe I should remember where I said this, but I can’t.  Maybe it was in a rant?  Or maybe a joke?  Heck, I just don’t know.  I mean I have no idea where I ever told people this.  But other than that I have something to say to the person that searched for this.  There is no need to change–unless you are a murderer or something–so stay the same as you always are.  I get wanting to change for people but it’s not worth it.  And honestly I don’t know why my blog popped up for this…  *confused*

kardashians irrelevant
When I first read this I automatically thought back to my Kardashians post.  Ah, good times.  Then I was like “I wonder where my blog pops up if you Google this…”  And truly I was hoping for it to be like on the 9th page, just so I could make fun of the searcher.  Nope, it was on the first page and #6.  #6.  The only bad thing I can say is that it is really sad that a little no-one-knows-me blog like mine could get on the first page with a search about the Kardashians.  Sad but a bit cool.

stinky thoughts
When I read this I was just a bit confused.  I mean, what was the searcher looking for?  Fart jokes?  Maybe sex jokes?  I have no idea.  And when I Googled it I didn’t go back far enough to find my blog, which means someone was very desperate for some stinky thoughts.

celtic thunder damien’s voice change
First, it’s “Damian.”  D-A-M-I-A-N.  No E!  None.  Secondly, while I have talked about my love for Damian McGinty many times I have never mentioned a voice change.  Not once.  So I have no idea why it came up.  When I Googled it–this search got me a bit interested–I saw that my blog was on the second page.  Nothing about voice changes.  But the fact that the searcher went to the second pages shows how desperate they were for an answer.  And while my search was a waste of time for the most part, it did tell me that Damian was not going back to Glee for season 4.  Why????  *Cries*

So those were the oddest and best searches I saw.  This was only THIS blog.  I have a weirder blog with some odd searches.  You’ll see when I post those later on.  For now thanks for reading my second Wednesday post.  Tell me your thoughts.  I won’t bite and can’t through the computer.


Hey guys-errs!  Today (as my second Monday post) I shall be telling you guys how to customize an average outfit to make it your own.  It’s a list of things that you can make into your staple.  And best of all this list involves things that are very popular, never were popular and things that have gone WAY out of style.  Of course this is based off of  my personal opinion and style so if you don’t like it than put somethings in the comments to help others that don’t agree with my style sense! 🙂

1.  SCARVES!  Use a scarf to change an outfit in seconds.  But remember to keep the weather in mind when picking which scarf to wear, you wouldn’t want a wool scarf in summer heat.  You can pick so many different styles and patterns that you could make an outfit brand new with just this.2.  BELTS!  Belts come in so many different ways for girls.  There are belts that go around the waist and belts that are for the hips.  If you find a belt that is neutral colored you can wear it all over.  If you find a bright colored one then your outfit should be hard to replicate.

3.  SHOES!  Pick a bright colored pair of shoes, and make your outfit your own.  Maybe bright red Converse or a crazy sandal?

4.  SUSPENDERS!  Yes, it sounds majorly dorky.  And honestly it is.  But as I write this up I am sitting in my room with a pair of suspenders on.  The good thing about suspenders is that you can wear them multiple ways.  You can wear them wit both straps up or down, helk I have seen people with only one strap up on their suspenders.  However, that is not to say that I see a lot of people wearing suspenders, in fact I find it rare to see; but that is what makes it a statement and a true staple.  If everyone wore suspenders than no one would notice yours.  It’s a great style for men and women because in my opinion nothing is sexier than suspenders.  They just look great.

5.  GLASSES!  No matter if it is sun glasses or just glasses, these fashion pieces can look great and be memorable.  Your face is something that people should remember and what you wear on it is what people will be easily remembered.

6.  TIES!  A nice thin tie can look trendy and cute, or extremely handsome.  A thick tie can draw in the eye.  But, ties are not just for guys.  Girls can always wear a tie, too!

7.  VESTS!  Vests are great items.  I wear them frequently.  Wore one yesterday, in fact.  They can really put together an outfit.  I know, they seem to fancy for casual wear.  Well, you could always wear them with jeans and a tank top (if you are a girl) and for guys just wear them however you want.  I think guys in vests are super sexy.

8.  JACKETS!  With all the different patterns, cuts, styles and gizmos on jackets it’s not hard to find one that fits your style.  There are plaid jackets, bright jackets, neutral jackets and simple jackets.  There are button-up jackets.  There are zippers.  There are hoodies.  Find one and LOVE IT!

9.  BRIGHT COLORED JEANS!  Possibly the best way to make a statement.  Bright colored jeans catch the eye and don’t let go, at least for a while.  Red?  Blue?  Tangerine?  Pink?  Purple?  Yellow?  Orange?  Aquamarine?  There are many choices, for men and women.

10.  PLAID!  This is my favorite of all the patterns.  Seriously.  I love PLAID!  PLAID!  There are so many things to wear inn plaid.  Shirts.  Pants.  Shoes.  Hats.  Sunglasses.  Such and such.  Gizmos.  The point is plaid is cool and memorable.

11.  BIG JEWELRY!  For girls (and some guys) big jewelry is the way to go.  Check it:

Hopefully you got a few ideas.  I know I did!  And those were to stop getting dressed in the dark.  I need some better fashion sense…


Hey.  As my first Friday post I am going back to a classic of mine.  11 Stupid Things People Say.  🙂

1.  “I’m only human.”  Really?  Because I was 100% sure that you were an alien sent from  outer-space to destroy me, and only me because somehow your species has a theory that I will take over the universe.  They’re right.

“Same difference.”  NO.  Same is when something is equal, congruent or similar.  Different is not the same as “same”!

“I, personally…”  As opposed to what?  ‘I, as the stranger over there on that street corner…’?  Or maybe ‘I, impersonally…’?

“I saw it with my own two eyes.”  That really makes your case.  However, I am confused.  How else might you have seen it?  With someone else’s eyes?  Or could it  have been with your own three eyes?

“It’s a piece of cake.”  How did this phrase even start being used?  What makes cake so easy?  It is hard to make, hard to cut and quite honestly those calories can be hard to burn off.

“Did I wake you up?”  What?  With that ruckus?  Nah…

“Agree to disagree.”  I’d have to disagree with that.

“Dirt poor and filthy rich.”  Well, which is it?  Are the poor dirty or are the rich filthy?  Which needs a longer bath?

“A penny saved is a penny earned.”  No.  A penny saved is a penny saved.  And a penny earned is a penny earned.  To gain a penny by saving a penny you would need some mad magic skills.

“Cross that bridge when you get to it.”  I was planning to cross the bridge right now, before I get to it.  And then when I do get to the bridge I would just hand over my all-ready-crossed-this-bridge-card and magically poof to the other side.

“Break a leg.”  Insulting!  Are you suggesting that my best (which is what this phrase implies) would in breaking a leg?  I am not that clumsy.

Yay!  Happy Friday everybody!


My first Thursday rant.  Yes, it is decided that I will be doing rants on Thursdays every other Thursday.  Now, if you don’t like this make sure to comment with your opinion so that I can change the schedule (Thursdays are not set in stone, guys).

Now, I don’t know if I have ranted about this before but I need to do it now.  This is because school has started up again.  Yes, I do blame everything on school starting up.  Get used to it.  Joking.  In truth it is because I go to a homophobic school.  And that fact bothers me so I need to rant about sexuality, just to get it off my back.  Also, note that most the time I do use the word “sex” rather than “gender”.  They are very different things.  And it is quite a confusing topic.  I will talk more about it later.

The first and most obvious sexuality is heterosexuality.  This is being attracted to only the opposite gender.  Straight men like women and straight women like men.  Easy!  I looked high and low for a pride flag but am not sure if one actually exists.  I found both of these several times so I am sorry if they’re wrong.

This little flag has blue for men and pink for women and a heart in between.  I really don’t know if this is real or not so just go with me and assume that Wikipedia isn’t too wrong on this.

This other flag is the other thing I found.  I think that this one might be the flag but it might not.  Anyway, this one has black and white and only those two colors–which I assume is for something but I am not really sure…  O.O

Next we have homosexuality.  The second most known sexuality, ever.  It is for a good reason, too.  This is actually not the most hated on–I’m pretty sure that the next few are more hated on–but at the same time it is really not liked by some people.  Homosexuality is being attracted to the same sex.  Now I am going to say some more things about this later in the rant so I just need to keep that in mind before I rant about what I want to.  Facts first.  Then opinions.  The gay pride flag is majorly cool:

A rainbow!  I’m not sure why but my best guess is that since the rainbow flag has been used in many different cultures for a sign of hope for inclusion and peace and diversity that the gays picked it up for that reason.

We shall now speak of asexuality.  Asexuality is not being attracted to anyone, or any sex/gender.  Or the lack of sexual attraction towards another.  Really it is when some one is not attracted to anyone.  Sounds like a simple way to live.  Take a looksy at their pride flag (or at least I think it is their pride flag…):

I’m not 100% on this but Wikipedia is telling me that the black stripe is for asexuality.  The grey for demi-sexuality (when you are attracted to someone but not for their parts but more for their personality… Sounds a lot like something else).  The white for sexuality.  And the purple for the community.

Next on the list in bisexuality.  Bisexuals get a lot of things like “You’re just confused,” but I disagree.  In truth I think that the people that say that don’t actually understand bisexuality.  “Bi” means two.  So “bisexual” is attraction towards two sexes.  Those sexes being  male and female.  (Which I only state for later reference and because the next few sexuality get a bit confusing if you don’t understand bisexuality.)  The flag is way awesome:

The pinkish-magenta stripe is the same sex attraction.  Women liking women.  Men liking men.  The blue stripe is for opposite sex attraction.  Women and men liking each other.  Finally the purple is for the attraction to both sexes.

Now we move onto pansexuality.  Pansexuals are another one that gets a lot of the “You are confused and wrong,” BS.  “Pan” means all.  So “pansexual” means that the person is attracted to all the genders and sexes.  Notice the genders and sexes used.  This means that they like men, women, MtF (trans), FtM (trans), intersexuals, genderqueers (I think that is most of them).  Pans are attracted to people regardless of their gender or sex.  This sounds a lot like demi-sexual to me, but that is just me.  The flag is:

The blue portion of the flag represents those who identify as male (regardless of biological sex).  The pink represents those who identify as female (regardless of biological sex), and the yellow portion, found in between the blue and pink portions, represents those who identify as both genders, neither gender, or a third gender; such as transgenders and intersexuals. The yellow also represents non-binary attraction between the male and female genders.  Or so says Wikipedia.

Now for polysexuality!  This is where is gets much more confusing.  Polysexual is the attraction to multiple sexes and genders but not all.  The “not all” makes it different.  “Poly” means multiple.  I am pretty sure that there is no pride flag for this that is actually official but I found one that might work:

I have no idea what it means.


What do I identify as?  Sexuality is fluid.  It can change, and at my age it often will.  When I was really little I would have said straight without thinking.  For over a month I have been saying that I was bi.  And now I have no idea.  So that is my answer.  For more on it ask for more information in the comment.


OK.  So first I just want to say something about homophobia.  It’s BS.  Yes, harsh, I get it but it’s also true.  It’s not at all okay, or chill.  So there are those religious people that say “God didn’t mean for there to be gay people.”  BS.  I am  not religious.  But I do know that people tend to believe that God put all of us on this Earth and he didn’t mess up.  Well, if he didn’t mean for there to be gays then why do they exist?  ALSO, since I don’t believe in this God your point is irrelevant.  Then there are the people that are just mean and think it’s wrong.  No it’s natural.

Next.  As I said before (in the question about me) sexuality is fluid.  And as we go through life our opinion on our sexuality changes.  You could think you are straight, then bi, then poly… only to find out you are actually pan.  Anything.  And really you just have to remember that it doesn’t matter how many times you change your mind.  It is YOU that you are talking about so you get to have your opinion of yourself.  Also, be as loose with your personal label.  If someone were to ask me if I was gay I would say “Yes,” because in some ways I totally am.  I do like my own gender.  However I also like the opposite gender.  Really, you can have your own label.  And when someone tells you their label the first thing you might want to consider asking is “What does that mean to you?”

Now.  In my opinion there is a HUGE difference between gender and sex.  Sex is what you have “down there” and gender is what you are in your opinion or in  your head.  You could honestly like a guy in your head but be a girl down there.  Then your gender is guy while your sex is guy.  Difference.  This is another thing that religious homophobic-ish people get their bloomers in a twist about.  “God made you the gender you are don’t change it because it’s not your choice it’s God’s.”  WRONG!  It is your choice.  And it always will be.

Fianlly.  I hope I didn’t offend anyone too bad.  I know I said a lot about religion–which is a topic for another rant–but I had no choice.  I know that it might upset some people but it was needed.  Your comments can go in the comments!


Hey guys.  It is the first Wednesday since I started my schedule.  Anyway, today I get a random post and the topic of the day is being bad @$$.  I am trying very hard to censor but it is a bit hard with this topic, forgive please.  Well, basically I noted that it is much easier for guys to appear tough and bad than it is for girls.  You’ll see what I mean.  The “blah” is what people think.  Don’t let the GIRL/GUY before it confuse you.  I mean on a GIRL/GUY not what that gender is thinking.

  • Ear piercing(s):

GIRL: “Hey look she looks like a normal girl.”

GUY: “What?  He looks bad @$$!”

  • Blue, green, bright red, yellow, pink, purple died hair:

GIRL: “That’s a bit different but it is still pretty cute.”

GUY:  “Woah, his hair is SWEET!  Totally looks like a bad influence.”

  • Long hair:

GIRL: “That is so normal and pretty.”

GUY: “Let’s walk on the other side of the street.”

  • Hair that goes into face:

GIRL: “She needs a bit of a hair cut.”

GUY: “He looks kinda mean.”

  • Leather jacket

GIRL:  “That’s really hot.”

GUY: “I can’t decide if it’s hot, intimidating or plain hot.”

OK.  You get the point.  And yes this one was short but I didn’t have many examples…