Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

NOTE: Becoming More For LGBT

Yes, I know I have been away for much too long and I don’t know if anyone is going to read this anymore but I will say that while I was gone I did some serious thinking about this blog.  In my free time I go on websites where I answer questions and I just go through the LGBT questions trying to use what I know about the community to give people some advice.  I always feel great after spending some time on that because I know that I am at least trying to help people out.  I know that there are plenty of blogs on Tumblr that are dedicated to LGBT help for the very specific cases.  However, I am not that kind of person and I like giving the more general help (however, if you ever need help on anything that is specific I always put my blog email at the bottom of all my posts and I will try my hardest to answer you).  I love sharing what I learn with the world and if I can make that about something I care about (LGBT issues and that community in general) than that is great because that is what I love doing.  So this is just me saying that it may suck but I am switching my blog over to be more about LGBT matters than anything else.  Still, everything still stands.  If you want my opinion on something outside of my to-be-typical topic then you can still ask for it and then you will get a response in one of a few ways.  I will either respond at the bottom of a post, so look for that, reply in the comments, or if there is a great deal of content on it than I might make it a full post.  I have a list of stuff that I plan to cover before I have to go back to school so look forward to some in depth explanations of things I just brushed over the first time and a few new topic.  Leave requests for topics in the comments of any of my posts or by emailing me at .

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