Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

RANT: Sexuality (a topic I wish I could avoid better)

My first Thursday rant.  Yes, it is decided that I will be doing rants on Thursdays every other Thursday.  Now, if you don’t like this make sure to comment with your opinion so that I can change the schedule (Thursdays are not set in stone, guys).

Now, I don’t know if I have ranted about this before but I need to do it now.  This is because school has started up again.  Yes, I do blame everything on school starting up.  Get used to it.  Joking.  In truth it is because I go to a homophobic school.  And that fact bothers me so I need to rant about sexuality, just to get it off my back.  Also, note that most the time I do use the word “sex” rather than “gender”.  They are very different things.  And it is quite a confusing topic.  I will talk more about it later.

The first and most obvious sexuality is heterosexuality.  This is being attracted to only the opposite gender.  Straight men like women and straight women like men.  Easy!  I looked high and low for a pride flag but am not sure if one actually exists.  I found both of these several times so I am sorry if they’re wrong.

This little flag has blue for men and pink for women and a heart in between.  I really don’t know if this is real or not so just go with me and assume that Wikipedia isn’t too wrong on this.

This other flag is the other thing I found.  I think that this one might be the flag but it might not.  Anyway, this one has black and white and only those two colors–which I assume is for something but I am not really sure…  O.O

Next we have homosexuality.  The second most known sexuality, ever.  It is for a good reason, too.  This is actually not the most hated on–I’m pretty sure that the next few are more hated on–but at the same time it is really not liked by some people.  Homosexuality is being attracted to the same sex.  Now I am going to say some more things about this later in the rant so I just need to keep that in mind before I rant about what I want to.  Facts first.  Then opinions.  The gay pride flag is majorly cool:

A rainbow!  I’m not sure why but my best guess is that since the rainbow flag has been used in many different cultures for a sign of hope for inclusion and peace and diversity that the gays picked it up for that reason.

We shall now speak of asexuality.  Asexuality is not being attracted to anyone, or any sex/gender.  Or the lack of sexual attraction towards another.  Really it is when some one is not attracted to anyone.  Sounds like a simple way to live.  Take a looksy at their pride flag (or at least I think it is their pride flag…):

I’m not 100% on this but Wikipedia is telling me that the black stripe is for asexuality.  The grey for demi-sexuality (when you are attracted to someone but not for their parts but more for their personality… Sounds a lot like something else).  The white for sexuality.  And the purple for the community.

Next on the list in bisexuality.  Bisexuals get a lot of things like “You’re just confused,” but I disagree.  In truth I think that the people that say that don’t actually understand bisexuality.  “Bi” means two.  So “bisexual” is attraction towards two sexes.  Those sexes being  male and female.  (Which I only state for later reference and because the next few sexuality get a bit confusing if you don’t understand bisexuality.)  The flag is way awesome:

The pinkish-magenta stripe is the same sex attraction.  Women liking women.  Men liking men.  The blue stripe is for opposite sex attraction.  Women and men liking each other.  Finally the purple is for the attraction to both sexes.

Now we move onto pansexuality.  Pansexuals are another one that gets a lot of the “You are confused and wrong,” BS.  “Pan” means all.  So “pansexual” means that the person is attracted to all the genders and sexes.  Notice the genders and sexes used.  This means that they like men, women, MtF (trans), FtM (trans), intersexuals, genderqueers (I think that is most of them).  Pans are attracted to people regardless of their gender or sex.  This sounds a lot like demi-sexual to me, but that is just me.  The flag is:

The blue portion of the flag represents those who identify as male (regardless of biological sex).  The pink represents those who identify as female (regardless of biological sex), and the yellow portion, found in between the blue and pink portions, represents those who identify as both genders, neither gender, or a third gender; such as transgenders and intersexuals. The yellow also represents non-binary attraction between the male and female genders.  Or so says Wikipedia.

Now for polysexuality!  This is where is gets much more confusing.  Polysexual is the attraction to multiple sexes and genders but not all.  The “not all” makes it different.  “Poly” means multiple.  I am pretty sure that there is no pride flag for this that is actually official but I found one that might work:

I have no idea what it means.


What do I identify as?  Sexuality is fluid.  It can change, and at my age it often will.  When I was really little I would have said straight without thinking.  For over a month I have been saying that I was bi.  And now I have no idea.  So that is my answer.  For more on it ask for more information in the comment.


OK.  So first I just want to say something about homophobia.  It’s BS.  Yes, harsh, I get it but it’s also true.  It’s not at all okay, or chill.  So there are those religious people that say “God didn’t mean for there to be gay people.”  BS.  I am  not religious.  But I do know that people tend to believe that God put all of us on this Earth and he didn’t mess up.  Well, if he didn’t mean for there to be gays then why do they exist?  ALSO, since I don’t believe in this God your point is irrelevant.  Then there are the people that are just mean and think it’s wrong.  No it’s natural.

Next.  As I said before (in the question about me) sexuality is fluid.  And as we go through life our opinion on our sexuality changes.  You could think you are straight, then bi, then poly… only to find out you are actually pan.  Anything.  And really you just have to remember that it doesn’t matter how many times you change your mind.  It is YOU that you are talking about so you get to have your opinion of yourself.  Also, be as loose with your personal label.  If someone were to ask me if I was gay I would say “Yes,” because in some ways I totally am.  I do like my own gender.  However I also like the opposite gender.  Really, you can have your own label.  And when someone tells you their label the first thing you might want to consider asking is “What does that mean to you?”

Now.  In my opinion there is a HUGE difference between gender and sex.  Sex is what you have “down there” and gender is what you are in your opinion or in  your head.  You could honestly like a guy in your head but be a girl down there.  Then your gender is guy while your sex is guy.  Difference.  This is another thing that religious homophobic-ish people get their bloomers in a twist about.  “God made you the gender you are don’t change it because it’s not your choice it’s God’s.”  WRONG!  It is your choice.  And it always will be.

Fianlly.  I hope I didn’t offend anyone too bad.  I know I said a lot about religion–which is a topic for another rant–but I had no choice.  I know that it might upset some people but it was needed.  Your comments can go in the comments!

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