Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Questions (because like the creeper I am I want to get to know you guys)

OK.  For me, there are several posts in a week that were hard to decide on.  My favorite being Sundays.  Sundays will be a bit of a random day, but not quite like Wednesdays.  And maybe a few rants… but not as harsh, deep or many as Thursdays.  Sundays were the hardest to schedule because I am not that interesting and really haven’t go much to say.  So to start off the Odd Sunday Bi-Weekly Creeper Moments (that is the name) I am going to have a series of questions (in bold) with answers (in normal font).  Answer if you want.  Ask more questions if you want.  Blah.  Blah.  Blah.  I want to do question-answer as frequently as possible without getting repetitive, but I will do one at least one a month and if there are no questions than I shall get 1) creepy, 2) odd and 3) I will have the worst questions ever!!!  Yay!  So here we go!

NOTE: I am actually putting effort into this, normally I answer with blunt, rude and disrespectful remarks, so just feel happy that I am ACTUALLY answering these.

1) If you could be anyone who would you be?

In all honesty I am quite ford of being me, however I will say (for the purpose of this activity) that I would be Adam Lambert.  Yes, Adam Lambert.  He is indeed a guy.  Thanks for asking.  And yes, he is also gay.  However, those are (mostly) not the reasons I chose him.  I will now explain myself.  The first and most obvious answer being that I think Adam Lambert is probably the sexiest guy ever.  I love him, but not in the creepy stalker way.  I just think he is really cool and honestly he is a real inspiration for me.  Next, hello, he is a huge inspiration for me because he is so openly gay.  That is something I wish I could be.  I wish I could just be so cool with myself.  But I am not.  Also, if you guys have ever heard him sing then you better understand this.  So, yeah I would be Adam Lambert if I could be anyone.

2) What is you most personal, intimate place?

My iPod.  This seems purely crazy, and I know that.  But at the same time I just love my iPod.  I never could feel more exposed than I do when someone is looking through my music.  And it’s not that I am afraid that they will judge me for my music taste, no I couldn’t care less what they think about me or my music, it’s just that I put my heart into picking those songs to go on my iPod, I made those playlists after hours of thinking.  My personality, my real honest personality, is in that iPod.  From those songs you could learn more about me than I would ever tell anyone.  With five minutes of going through that iPod you could learn more about me than you would ever learn in years of being near me.  I mean, there are a few people I let near the great iPod but there are very few.

3)  How do you treat people?

Not well.  I really don’t like people and it takes a while for me to open up to people.  I have a bit of a trust problem.  OK.  So I don’t judge people, I am not one to gossip or spread rumors, I don’t talk about you behind your back yet I am the coldest, meanest and truly worst person to complete strangers.  I don’t give respect to anyone (other than the basics of not judging, gossiping, back stabbing and such) until they have earned it.  While I won’t hurt you behind your back, ever, no matter what you do to me, I will be a complete jerk to your face.  I will insult you.  I will ignore you.  I will literally hurt you with my fists.  But only to your face.  I won’t go behind your back to do this.  I have something to say it will be done to your face.  And not just because I hate rumors, back stabbers and all those people and things but also because I know that if it gets to you anyway but through me it will be morphed and changed and not said with the correct emotion.  On a different but similar note I will also say that in person I am sometimes very monotone, don’t really like to show emotions and if you get on my nerves I will show you that I am angry but that is it.

4) Have you had any bad experiences?

Yes…?  I was nearly run over by a car in a blizzard.  I nearly drowned at a pool.  I have broken four bones.  I have have been bullied.  I recently realized I will never be accepted at my school.  Oh, and a few days ago a very pretty girl told me that she used to have  a crush on me but she moved schools and likes new people.  Ugh, pity moment over.

5) What does you room look like right now?

Slightly messy with ugly walls, tacky lighting a sleeping dog.

6) What is the closest living thing to you right now?

My dog.  She’s sleeping on my bed, with her head on my back.   She has a very heavy head.

OK.  That is all I can take for today.  Comment with answers, questions and such.  Email me at to email me.  I can’t even come up with a reason.  And remember that I love you all!

2 Responses to “Questions (because like the creeper I am I want to get to know you guys)”

  1. i totally agree with you on number 🙂

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