Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Those Back-Stabbers

Hi and welcome to my place to complain.  Let me explain the difference between the story I am going to tell and this here blog.  You don’t know me.  You don’t know my friends.  The story I am telling is about an awful person I know that went very public to people she knows about something embarrassing for someone else.

There is this girl.  For the sake of this story let’s call her Sally.  This guy, Bob, liked her, a lot.  Bob asked Sally over text what Sally would say if Bob asked Sally out, hypothetically, and Sally rejected him flat out.  That was kind of Sally, no need to lead the guy on.  However, Sally didn’t stop there.  She took a screen shot of the conversation and posted the picture to Instagram.  That wasn’t so nice.  Bob just wanted to ask out Sally, in a private way, to get the answer so that he could get on with his life and like other people without thinking “What if…?” forever.  It wasn’t embarrassing to Sally.  It didn’t insult her to be asked out but she took it and made it an awful experience for Bob.

Before I saw the picture and then heard her talk about it I considered her really nice.  Before I SAW it with my eyes I took no one’s word for it.  But then I did.  And then she was talking about it.  My opinion for her dropped so fast.  I can’t even look at Sally anymore.  Bob is really nice and didn’t do anything wrong.

Now the reason I tell you this is to bring up the subject of back-stabbers.  I am going to go more into this in a rant later.  But, until then I am just going to say that you shouldn’t back-stab people.  That means no:

  • gossiping (it’s totally not okay.  Sure, maybe everyone else is doing it, but at the expense of someone else.  If you don’t like someone then go tell them, to their face, why bother with telling others when you can be straight forward?)
  • talking about people behind their backs (like gossiping.)
  • posting things to social media about others (what Sally did was NOT cool.  And if I easily built respect for people she would have lost it all.  I had no respect so no I jsut think of Sally as a b*tch!)
  • using information someone trusted you with as blackmail (I think this is illegal anyways.  But it is  tots uncool.  If someone trusts you you don’t break that trust.  OK?)
  • and generally being an awful friend.

Kay, see you later.  I’ve got plenty more to say.  If you have something you want to say to me comment.  Ideas?  Comment.  Or email me at .  NOTE: no direct replies will be given if you choose to email me.

2 Responses to “Those Back-Stabbers”

  1. I have ben backstapped before by my whole clas.not pleasant

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