Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

RANT: Sexuality (mostly asexual) Part II

Guess what?  When I did my original sexuality post I left some groups out!  Which I think is really sad and since I am now kind of identifying as one of them I must come forward and leap into the world with these!  So basically I just left it off with straight, gay, bi, pan, poly and asexual, however there is more!  Yay!  Well, as a basic warning I will say that I will be going into greater detail with asexuality, which I barely went over, along with the many types of asexuality.  Also, branches of in betweens.

And since most this post will be focusing on the branches between asexuality and sexuality we shall first go over these things.  OK.  So as always I would never say that anyone is something.  No one can put a label on a person but that person.  But for the sake of explaining things, and perhaps helping unsure people, I shall try not to blur all the lines for you.

Some one that is sexual experiences a sex drive and is attracted to people.  This is not to say that those that are asexual will never have any sex drive (though some don’t) nor will they ever be attracted to someone on any level (though some will never feel that way from appearance).  In fact, asexuality is a pretty hard to define thing.  That’s why there are so many ways you could argue over it.

Moving on from that.  Asexuality is basically a lack of strong attraction or sex drive.  However, there are so many forms of asexuality that is gets kind of crazy.  I’m gonna sit down and list all the ones I can find.

I’ll start off on the most defiantly ‘asexual’.  Nonlibidoism is probably as far from sexual as you can get.  By definition those that are nonlibidoism (did I use that properly?) have no sex drive and no sense of attraction.  Basically, they don’t like people for their looks and don’t want (or need) the sex.

Second, the opposite of nonlibidoism, libidoism.  It’s basically either the experience of sex drive or attraction or both.

Now, according to there are four basic sub-types of asexuality.

  • Type A: those that have a thing called a sex drive but don’t have attraction.  So they could masturbate but never actually be attracted to anyone.  Pretty simple, until you remember that this is a basic way to label.  In other words, very few people could 100% be sure that this is true for them.
  • Type B: attraction without a sex drive.  This doesn’t mean anything except that they will like people for looks, just not to get in their pants.  However, attraction can sometimes be intellectual as well.
  • Type C: attraction and sex drive, however there is no link between the two.  This kind of baffles me, so I really don’t understand it that well, however I understand that it is just a way that some people see their sexuality.
  • Type D: this is going back to nonlibidoism.

Since there sexuality is not black and white, as shown it the ABCD types of asexuality, there is this thing called the grey area, or Grey-A.  This is basically anything but completely sexual.  This includes asexuality (since asexuality is just a label and encompasses so much).  It practically is:

  • do not normally experience sexual attraction, but do experience it sometimes
  • experience sexual attraction, but a low sex drive
  • experience sexual attraction and drive, but not strongly enough to want to act on them
  • people who can enjoy and desire sex, but only under very limited and specific circumstances

Which is also the definition of asexuality to some extent.  This is also called (this list also includes things included in the grey area so do your research better than I did!) “asexualish”, “demisexuality”, “sexualish”, “hyposexual”, and “semisexual”.

Demisexuality is attraction after an emotion bond has been created.  Like, if Sally doesn’t have attractions to anyone (so she is not going to be attracted to strangers and cute boys) and is friends with Fred for a long period of time.  If during that period of time Sally and Fred have some kind of emotion or intellectual or something bond then Sally may become attracted to Fred.  However, Sally will still not be attracted to people she doesn’t have that bond with.  And at the same time Sally may have a deep, emotional bond with George but not feel attracted at all.

And since I have already posted an asexuality flag and none of these have another flag I am just not going to post one.  Um.  Yeah.

So now for the rant!  (Ha!  As if this wasn’t long enough?)


Yes, indeed I did.  However, I don’t know for sure.  And like I said in the last rant my sexuality is very fluid so it is always changing, so that is why I tend to have the need to know so much about these…  🙂 But if I had to go out of the limb and say what I had to say I would say that it is somewhere in the asexual/grey area with demisexual tendencies.  So that makes no sense.  And if you want to get really technical you could say I am a pan/bi ace with demisexual tendencies.  Oh, that is so sensible.


Yes, while asexual is a sexuality you can also have a preference of who you do have slight attraction to/who you fall in love with (with or without attraction).  So there can be gay aces and straight alike.


Well, technically that is a gender, which I will have a rant about later on.    When I do I will link it back to here and my part 1 so that all of you that have been requesting it will get to see it.


Well, actually never mind, for I think I have covered everything that needs to be covered.

Sorry that there are no pictures…

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