Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

A Whole Year

Friends, family, strangers, people who found this because I am bad at tagging, followers, readers, lovers and others the holidays are now upon us.  In the US we have passed Thanksgiving and Black Friday (which still sounds like a racist thing to call a day of the week).  November is nearly at it’s end, and the winter holidays are just around the corner.  A simple page flip on the calendar from attacking us with high prices, jolly commercials and overly-used music.  Soon the world we be taken over by blinding lights, glitter, the idea of snow, reindeer and happiness. Beefy, blimp, bulging, bulky, chunky, gargantuan, heavyset, oversize, plump, stout and whale-like men across the world will be dressed in red suits and fake beards in malls, having little children sit on their lap.  The short, pointy eared and strangely dressed elves will come out to play.  And eight lit candles will burn for eight nights all over.  But before any of this can happen there is something so incredibly important that needs to be celebrated.

One year ago on this very day I made a blog, wrote a bad first post and published it to the world.  This blog started as my way to be different, to show the world that I was no mainstream but in this I have found that no one wants to know what some stranger on the internet is doing with their life.  It started off under the name “Goth At Heart and Soul” which I am glad I changed because that isn’t what this blog is about.  To think that is started off with this:

So, I am totally new at blogging.  But, if your a genius you got that from the post name or title or what ever!

Okay now that I’ve said that I might want to continue to say: for those of you who are not genuises and did not make any sense of my blog’s name and/or did not read my profile then I may just want to expalin the name to YOU!

I am goth at heart and soul.  I am not goth on the exterior because it SUCKS being the only person in dark colors and extreme makeup at school.  Now go ahead and call me a poser.  I wont care!!!  In fact before you do let me say, I don’t really care about what most people think about me.  Not that I don’t want comments, it’s just that I think that if you want to cyber-insult someone it’s better you don’t waste your time trying here.  I wont be bothered by your insults…

So here I am saying: I hope someone decides to follow this because otherwise I will be typing to myself…

And now to blog here I am learning things about gender, sexuality, religion, opinions, bias, liteture, humans as a species, the past, predictions of the future and culture means a lot to me.  The fact that I now have to get actual facts before I can lay down my opinion shows that I am a more mature person (or so I hope).  And I still share some of the say that I want to share what I am learning, my opinions and facts with the world, but now I am not doing it to feel less lonely or because I want to think of myself as cool.  Now it’s because I love blogging, I love reading blogs, getting comments and likes and votes, I love logging on to WordPress to see that I have reached a new goal and I love seeing that I have had so many views.  I love that there are people who enjoy reading this, or at least have enjoyed reading some of what I say.  I love how much experience this blog has given me at writing.

Today, we all celebrate that I have gotten slightly better at writing, something we can all be thankful for.

In truth I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me.  My friends, though very few and far apart, my followers (I love you all), the people that didn’t mean to click on this blog, the people who search for weird things and find this site, WordPress for not deleting it, every single site that somehow has a link to here on it, the people who have never seen this site ever but I have seen theirs and those inspired me to continue, Mari Mancusi (a woman who wrote a really bad book that inspired me to start this blog in the first place), my dog Ginger for laying on my bed and occasionally walking on my keyboard so I have to go back in and make sure that nothing has random letters in it, Pandora for providing the world with music for free, Gmail for being my email site of choice, Google for having such an effecting search bar, Chrome for letting me access the internet, my computer for being so easy to type on, my phone for being there for me, the creepy flower I got from the butterfly pavilion when I was five and is creepily looking at me right now, every site that I have ever used to research things and learn, my eight grade English teacher for making me laugh during school, and most of all everyone that just read the longest sentence known to man.  I’m sorry for that incredible run-on.

But I will say that I love blogging and I hope that my writing has improved over the past year and I hope you guys will continue to see it improve as I write for years to come!



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