Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

The TRUTH About my Opinion on Justin Bieber

Hi guys!  Over the years I have said a lot of negative things about Justin Bieber, but over the years I have also only heard a few of his songs–Baby, One Time, so on–so I really didn’t have the right to critique him.  Now, I felt kind of bad saying all those negative things when I haven’t actually listened to most his music.  But lucky for me I heard that his new album was a lot better.  So I decided to sit down and actually try it.  I will admit that I have been on YouTube listening to the whole album for over 20 minutes.  “Believe” is not that bad…

I feel like I will never actually be a Belieber but I really honestly have nothing against him.  He actually has some pretty catchy music, sure not my type of music exactly but I feel like he has a pretty good voice.

But he doesn’t deserve all the hatred people give him because he is actually pretty talented.  Justin Bieber will never be my favorite artist but I can’t find anything wrong with him–except maybe his rapping, which is pretty bad (see “Boyfriend” for an example)–so I don’t hate him anymore.  And I never should have.  His new music is actually really good.  I would even consider buying some of it.

So for all you Beliebers out there know I don’t hate him.  And all you Justin Bieber haters: get a life and try LISTENING to the music before you hate on it.


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