Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Rant: Meat-Eaters vs. Vegetarians

This post is entirely my opinion.  I do not really judge anyone personally unless I know them personally so DO NOT TAKE THIS POST PERSONALLY.  I do not know you so I have nothing to say on your character based on the foods you eat.  This is just a rant that popped into my head and I need to express these feelings so forgive me if I insult anyone.

OK.  So I am a vegetarian.  I stopped eating meat (not including fish) two years ago.  I stopped eating fish a year ago.  I am a vegetarian. Now, when I say that I think that vegetarianism is the right thing to do I am serious.  I have lived both ways.  I still live with my family which is full of meat-eaters.  (Sorry I have no better word for that.  [Found one!])  And find that it is healthier to go with a vegetarian life style along with better for animals.

By healthier I do mean that there are a lot of options for food that are automatically crossed of the list when you decide to not eat meat.  McDonalds becomes a no-no.  Which is a vast improvement to your diet, there is a lot of fat and grease in all of their food.  The fast-food world will become alien to you in no time at all.  I’m not kidding.  So few fast-food places have vegetarian food.  And guess what?  When you become vegetarian you are signing up to eat, guess for it, vegetables.  It’s in the name.  VEGETArian.  Or at least the VEG or VEGE part is…

Next you are helping animals.  Believe me.  Or do I need to reference you to a nice slaughterhouse in your area?  I wont post pictures cause they make me want to puke but Google Images it.  Not pretty.

You’re also helping humans.  Yes, you heard that right.

Now I will post a link because I am talented.  See?  It is a link to info on vegetarianism.  It’s great to convince your parents about why you want to go vegetarian.  Seriously.


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