Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Posers VS. Non-Posers

So I had one of those awful revelations, the one that you get in the middle of the night. Anyways, I was thinking about my other blog and that there is a link to it on a website with steps to be goth, long story, don’t ask. Well, I realized that another site said that you had to take it slow or else people would call you a poser. It made sense but now I just think that it is so very wrong.

For one thing if you are so worried what people will think why the hell are you trying to have such a different style that makes people think things of you?

And another thing; it’s not fun to pretend to be a thing your not.

Like me, I don’t really look goth. I wear darker makeup (but not too dark), black nail polish and dark hues. Yet, I listen to goth music. I was talking to someone about music once and they start talking about The Cure, which I love. This surprises them. Then they talk about Asking Alexandria, another band I love. This WOWs them. This made me mad they didn’t “put me down as the alternative music type.”

So basically I was upset that they didn’t see me as me.

That is just sad.

I say: be you. Don’t care what the losers think.

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