Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Ten Books That I Hate But Cannot Bare to Part With

OK.  So today I am sick (well to tired to do something meaningful anyways) and promised myself that I would blog.  But then I sat down at my computer and logged on and I realized that there is no deep, meaningful, important thing to type to you guys.  But I really am bored so I finally came up with a decent idea.

There are a bunch of books on my bookshelf and since I read so much I just have millions on my Nook, too.  Well now I must tell you ten that I do not like at all yet cannot bare the thought of ridding myself of them.

10. Stake That! by Mari Mancusi- I actually talked this book up for a bit but now that I read it a 1,000,000,001 time I saw the flaws.  For one thing, what kind of thousand year old vampire would talk like a 14 year old girl?  Yeah, not one.  So that is that.  It is the least irritating on the list at #10!

9. Darklight by Lesley Livingston- I actually liked this book a lot.  Until the end… I’m not going to spoil it but I hated the end I and therefore didn’t like the book.

8. Little House on the Prairie by Laura Wilder- It is a classic!  I hated it!  Bore-ing!

7. Sugar and Spice by Lauren Conrad- Heh.  I remember this book so well.  I read it in 2012 around Christmas time.  I was visiting family that does not live in the same state as me and it was the second book I had read that week alone (and it was a Tuesday…).  But it was okay just a little bland.

6. Inkheart by Cornella Funke- The names in this book do not roll off the tongue.  They are long and awful.  It is like 600 pages of BLAH!  Awful.  Not suggested.  But now I just can’t get rid of it so that when people ask me for a list of the worst books ever I can remember to put this one on there.

5. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead- I think the things that got me about this book should be listed:

  • The love interest, Dimitri, is a teacher and as we all know those relationships are not good.
  • There is vampire racism (the Moroi must be protected by the Dhampir from the Strigoi not to mention that the Dhampir are practically expected to do their Moroi’s every wish).
  • It is so cheesy.
  • It was clear from the beginning that the main character chick, Rose, should have gone with the guy who she got caught making out with, so what he is a tool, she could have learned to love that about him.

4. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer- The books were really great when I was 9.  However I have to say that Bella is a big whiner, Jacob was a lame character, Edward needs to stop his brooding act and that the Cullen’s are so stereotypical.  Gah!  Though, when I say that I would die without it on my book shelf I do not kid.  I have two copies actually.  One is paper back while the other is hard back and is all post it noted at places I like.  But Bella is a stupid twit.

3. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer- Depressing.  If I wasn’t the type of person that frequently read Nicholas Sparks books then I might just say that it is the saddest book ever.  The only good thing that came out of this book is that in the movie Jacob had his shirt off a lot. Other than that is sucks, yet I have read it a bunch of times.  I cannot throw it away because I have this crazy mind that makes me feel like it will edit its self and change over night!

2. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer- Hate it so much!  The author changed so much about it.  Everyone loved how Jacob was still pinning for Bella and I was hoping that they could get together in the end but now he has to love her daughter.  Creepy.  And part one of the movie sucked Bella looked so creepy for most of it (yet I still have it on DVD).  And just so you know I totally read this 700 page book in like 3 days.  Awesome I know.

1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling- GAH!  It is so so so so so so overly read and watched and everything.  Not to mention that Harry has this ego the size of Canada.  I only keep the first book so that my friend won’t scream at me to read it again (this way I can prove that I read it at least once) and so that whenever someone makes a stupid refrence to it I can sort of understand or at least look it up in the book.

So those are my ten books that I hate and yet cannot get rid of.  Shame.  Maybe next time I will do a ten books I love.


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