Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Me + My Obessions

Ok this is sweet and short and to the point. I am deleting the Spreaker thing because that dream wasn’t as I had hoped. Now I have a new one. Go to Wattpad. Then search for Kenzi3 if you want to see it. Yeah. I’m special. Anyways I know I haven’t been posting but hey, I have a life outside of blogging. I hope you do see my new dream. And as for those of you that will feel inclined to create an account I actually advice it with Wattpad. It has a bunch of self published web books. It’s pretty cool. Oh. I just practically told you what my dream was. Oh well. So I will just say it. I want to write more and why not start on a online website (that has an app)? Ok bye!

2 Responses to “Me + My Obessions”

  1. Just got account… emmie7. Just so ya know 😛 its amazing so far

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