Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Family and a Wedding (my weekend part 2)

I have a big family because my dad is the last of six kids. And while our family is large it isn’t very close. We are spread out. I have an aunt and uncle and cousin and her husband in Iowa. I have a cousin, his wife and kids and they are in Texas. I have an aunt in Colorado. I have family in Oklahoma. I got some family in Kansas. Helk my uncle lives in Taiwan. So we don’t get together very often. We have a huge family.
So we got to Kansas and we pull up at the hotel. We had to drive in a little car to get there. Like eight hours. With my little brother.
Instantly my Aunt K ran out. She’s my dad’s older sister. Inside the hotel we see Aunt K’s husband Uncle Cliff. Then their daughter and my cousin DD. DD’s husband Mick is there too.
I am on crutches.
At six we go to my cousin’s wedding. My cousin Johanna was a beautiful bride. At the wedding we saw my Uncle Richard, he is my dad’s brother. And his wife my Aunt Martha.
Basically it was great seeing them.
At the wedding we got glow sticks.
Back at the hotel Mick put them in a Powerade bottle and called I a “redneck flashlight”

It was a tiring day.

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