Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Archive for December 1, 2011 10:32 pm

Dark Shelves: Boys That Bite (Blood Coven)

December 1, 2011 10:32 pm

OK so this is the series that inspired me to become a babybat.  “Boys That Bite” by Mari Mancusi fallows Sunshine or Sunny McDonald.  Her life changes when she agrees to go out to a local Goth club with her identical twin sister Rayne.  And she thought that she only had to worry about what to wear.  This totally cute […]

Dark Shelves: My Ever Growing Never Shrinking “To Read” Pile

December 1, 2011 10:23 pm

So like a lot of babybats I do have a lot of books.  only right now my to read pile is huge.  So here is a shorter than real list. 1. Dracula– yes, I have started it but it is a long book… so it may take me awhile 2. Vampire Kisses– I’ve heard so much about this series 3. […]