Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

10 Things That People Do That Irritate Me

So like words that people say, people do really stupid things. This is a list that I made to document thoose things.

I hate when:

1. People sing in public off key — I get that not everyone can be professional but believe me if you were to just leave to singing to the professionals when out in public so many people’s ears can be spared hourss of torture.

2. People dance in overly crowded places — So explain why people feel that they must try to step on other people’s toes. I just don’t jet why people try to dance in places like school hallways, train stations, airports, movie theathers. I mean if people are there they are NOT there to see people make fools of them selves in very public places.

3. People stereotype other people — OK so about this one; does anyone know why people are stereotyped? Rumors, to make certain people feel better about themselves, to help them come up with reasons why they don’t want to be in a group. Typical stereotypes are like: all goths are Satianists. That is completely untrue. Just a stereotype. So when people stereotype it makes me want to puch them in the guts so they double-over in pain.

4. People say acronyms like they are words — Like, when people say “erl” for URL. So irritating. I mean acronyms are acronyms not words. We do not say “omgea” for OMG or “lol” for LOL. It’s just not done!

5. People take quizzes online for if the person they like likes them back — This is so stupid. If you want to know if they like you then you go and ask them not the internet. Duh!

6. People say “swag” for everything — Well, I’ve said this before but I truly hate when people use the word swag. Does anyone actually know what that means? According to it means a wreath or dangly garland. Go one the swag means to become a tramp. So why “swag?”

7. People talk in acronyms — OMG, LOL, TTYL. These are great for texting but if you’re going to talk to me in person please use real words.

8. People only shop at one store or only wear one brand of clothing — These people don’t even have their own style because they are too busy wearing the clothes that the store’s magazine is saying should be “in.”

9. People talk really loud — We can hear you when you talk normally… there is no reason to shout!

10. People Vlog and expect everyone in the world to like watching them badly angle the camera so the sun is in the veiwer’s eyes even though they could just get someone eles point the camera at their face so it’s not pointed at the sun — This is just my well duh one… I’m all for vlogs but when it’s bad and the light sucks then I will hate it!


What bothers you? Things that people do?

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