Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

RANT: Depression and Suicide

So… Today was a bit of an off day for me.  Everyone has off days.  Me more than most.  That doesn’t mean I’m gonna kill myself though!  So don’t worry!  Anyways this post is sorta because of my day, sorta because of a bad joke I heard and somewhat because I read a sad thing on the internet…  Mostly the internet…

Anyways.  So today’s topic is… depression and suicide.  Now before I go deep into opinions I should say some facts.

  • Chemical imbalance may cause depression.
  • It can run in families.
  • Depression may start up because of a event in one’s life.
  • Suicide is often done more often by teens.
  • Bipolar is a form of depression nor multiple personality.

OK.  So now that you know basics (and about bipolar disorder) we can move on to opinions.

When I read about opinions on this I often see things like “They just have to man up!” or “They could easily feel better if they were less lazy!”

Well, that’s wrong.  How about you go and fight against chemicals in your brain.  How easy is it?  Not at all easy.  People do have to fight against their depression but that often involves doctors and medications.  Also, it’s not like they choose to be depressive.

So now some easy questions.

Why are you depressed?

It is because kids are picking on you at school?  It shouldn’t be.  Did someone die?  Ouch that hurts but they would want you to be happy.  Learn why you are depressed.

Why do you want to commit suicide?

Are people giving you a hard time?  Then by killing yourself you are letting them win.  Are you a teenager and all the hormones are making your emotions out of whack so you are sad and want to die?  Don’t kill yourself then.  At least wait until you are 25, the age when your brain is fully developed, to even consider it.


Suicide should not even be an option for most of you.  Remember that others have it worse and by killing yourself you are showing that you are not grateful for the things you have.  Also, suicide is sad for everyone else.  While your pain goes away the people that care about you, the people that read the newspaper the next day, the people that wrote a message like this one, me, and many others will have to deal with the pain now that you are gone.  A lot of people care.  Maybe you don’t notice it but a lot of us care.  How do you think I would feel if I read the newspaper tomorrow and saw one of your pictures in it under the headline SUICIDE?  Not so good.  I care.  Others care.  Your family cares.  Don’t let us bare your pain.  Change your pain to happiness.

And that is a fact.  If you can change something that you are not happy with then change it.  If you are sad then get happy.  If people give you a hard time in school then ignore them.  If your family life sucks then ignore that too.  If I listened to even half my problems I’d be pulling a trigger on a gun next to my head.

And the fact that I’m not going to die from suicide today or tomorrow and at least not until I am 25 is proof that anyone can live.  Sure you may have it bad but so do a lot of people.  I have it pretty bad but I am still happy.  Be happy and don’t be sad because it is your choice.


Depression needs to be worked with and fixed with medical help.  If you have either depression or suicidal thoughts then get help.  It might save your life.



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