Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

How To NOT Be Blah

Let’s not get it confused with step by step instructions on how to be blah.  OK.  Here we go.  Oh.  And before I forget balh is the state in which you don’t feel like doing anything because you are bored but you want to do something.  At the same time you commonly feel bad.  You most likely will not be happy.  If you have any of these symptoms then you probably feel blah.

Step one:  Determine what made you blah or why you are blah.  This is important so then (one) you have someone or something to blame and (two) you can remember not to do that something again.

Step two:  Remember what makes you happy.  Weither it be listening to depressing music or taking a shower in your clothes figure it out.

Step three:  Take part in this happiness bringing activity or object.

Step four:  If you are still not feeling less blah then do jumping jacks.

Step five:  Not better yet?  Now do push ups.

Step six:  Go run outside.

Step seven:  Wiggle on the floor.

Step eight:  Sit ups.

Step nine:  Avoid the fridge.

Step ten:  If you are still feeling blah then go dump a glass of water on your head.

Step eleven:  Fall off something.  Remember heights hurt so not too far up!

Step twelve:  Brush your teeth.  Just do it.

Step thirteen:  Read two pages from a book backwards.  This is so fun.  Just go to the back of the book and read from the last word until the third to last page…

Step fourteen:  Create a blah post.  (hehe me doing that)

Step fifteen:  Go check out other blogs.

Step sixteen: Try to stalk people on Facebook.

Step seventeen:  Watch a Death Note episode on your computer or TV.  Yeah.  Feel free to go to Hulu and type in Death Note.  Then fall in love with L.  Do it!

Step eighteen:  Run a mile.

Step nineteen:  Stare at a ceiling.

Step twenty:  Now, take a shower with your clothes on.

NOTE: If your blah is not killed or cured then comment to complain about how I failed.  Please!

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