Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

The Quest For A Quicker Writing System

Ok.  I was reading.  And the book I was reading just happened to mention “shorthand writing” so I Googled it.  It turns out to be a way of writing faster.

There are a ton of ways to write it out.  There is Gregg and Pitmann.  Both of which use symbols.  I quickly decided that I was not smart enough to learn all of those symbols so I looked into the alphabetic systems.  They looked easier but I could not find any good examples that gave me clues to the rules of shortening or anything.  So from there I decided that I would just come up with one on my own because any further searching would be sensless.



If I wrote:

“Hello.  My name is Mackenzie. I have a pet dog.”

In short hand it would look like:

“Hlo.  M nm s Mknz.  I hv pt dg.”

Which is shorter.

I will be using this craziness while taking notes in class.

So that was my search for a way to write quickly, in comparison.



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