Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Rant: Vegetarian

Another rant. This one on a topic that I get asked about a lot. Not on the internet though. No, I mostly get asked about it in person. There are so many questions that go with this rant. Just so you know, I am sorta vegetarian sorta pescetarian; more on that later.

To start off let’s go with the MOST annoying and continue from there.

“How can you not eat meat?!?”

Well, let me think. I just do. Sure you miss somethings (bacon) but it’s a matter of self-control. You give up meat on your own free will; unless you are born into a non-meat eating family or religion. So you have to stay off meat on your own will. It is that simple. It really is. Plus, it’s healthier. I mean; if you are vegetarian and family or friends are pressuring you into eating meat again, well; one, that is awful, don’t be their friend, and two, if you don’t want to eat meat then tell them you are saving lives (of humans and animals). So you just don’t eat meat. It’s a lot like how a lot of people don’t do drugs. You just avoid eating meat, just like people avoid doing drugs. Simple.

“Why? Why are you depriving yourself of the necessary protein to live?”

Well, yet another stupid question. How is it depriving of protein when you are eating other forms of protein. And yes, there are other forms. Just look at the other options. There are nuts, beans, eggs, tofu, soy; just face the facts, it is not depriving.

“Are you anorexic?”

Uhhh, am I the only one that gets this question? I hope not. Yet, I also hope so. I really don’t understand the connection between anorexia, which is a mental health condition in which someone sees them self as fat and starves them self to fix that, and being vegetarian, which is a choice that you make. I mean; seriously, where is the connection? Is it that you are starving yourself of meat? Because, if it is ,well, that is lame. People, come up with a better link between the two and share it with me. I’d love to know.

“Isn’t being vegetarian unhealthy?”

NO!!! It’s actually proven to be MORE healthy. Do your research, people.

“So, you don’t eat any animal products?”

Wow! I actually get asked this a lot. Now, let me explain to you something. From what I know of (and correct me if I’m wrong) there are five main eating categories or what ever. The first is what most people are; meat eaters. Sorry for the rude-ish term. But, those are the people who eat the animals that aren’t much different from their pet or, for that matter, themselves. They food that might look like what they would look like if they were on a plate as dinner. There are the white-meat eaters. They avoid red-meat. Then there are the pescatarians, these are the people who avoid animal eating except fish and other sea food. They are okay with sea food. It is still flesh and blood, but at the same time fish don’t have good memories or nervous systems so it is way better. There are vegetarians. They avoid eating any animal. No pigs, no fish, no cow, no cat, no dog, no shark. Ewww. But they don’t eat those things. Finally, there are the vegans. These people don’t eat anything that came from animals and animals themselves. They have extreme self-control powers.

Why are you vegetarian?”

Great question. Very orginal. Never heard that before. *rolls eyes*. OK. Maybe people are curious, why would someone make such a life changing choice? Well, it may be for many reasons. Maybe they saw a mass murder movie. A video about a slaughter house. There are a lot of reasons. So, why did I change my eating patterns? Well, it is complicated. I am a person that does a lot of thinking. And a lot of wondering. Though the two go hand in hand, I do these things at seperate times. One day I sat down in my chaise lounge and really thought. It was weird. And after hours of thinking I cam to the conclusion that I didn’t want to eat meat anymore. That was almost two years ago. Then and there, I went from bacon-lover to pescatarian. And now almost two years later I am becoming a full vegetarian. So. That is why. There are lots of reasons. I had a strange and confuzing one.

“What do you eat?”

Well, just Google it. There are way too many options to type.

“Do you think that it’s wrong to eat meat?”

Yes, I do. There are circumstances that would make it okay but, those are rare and it’s just hard to wrap my mind around a circumstance that I’ve only heard of once.

“Do you blame people who eat meat for eating meat?”

Yes. I think that it is most likely their choice to eat it. And they know that there are options that would allow them not to. However, there are times in which there is no other choice. I heard of these people in New Zealand who had to eat sea gulls to live when they were stranded in a boat ou tin the middle of the ocean. That is survival. But, for people who just like meat. I do blame you. I will blame meat-eaters unless they eat it for survival.

OK. There are a bunch of horrible questions I get about my choice all the time.

Now for one good one.

“My parents won’t let me go vegetarian. What should I do?”

OK. Well, it’s quite simple. While most people would say: “To bad. Their house. Their rules.” I wont. I understand. My dad was completly against it when I decided that I wouldn’t eat dinner because it was pork or whatever. In fact he and I didn’t talk for a month or something because he was so unhappy, and I wouldn’t change my mind.

What should you do? Well, there are a bunch of facts on the matter. Here is a great website that can give you these facts. It’s by a guy who is on Youtube. He has the username “Onision” and I watch his videos a lot. If you ever feel like hearing opinions then his Youtube Channel is worth checking out. Actually he has four Youtube Channels. The really oppinionated one is OnisionSpeaks or something. I watch it. It is good.

Well, the point is that I have gotten alot of questions on vegetarian lifestyle. I am really sick of the questions but if you have a serious one then feel free to ask me via the contact page or just commenting below. I will answer, as long as it is serious. Don’t waste my time.

So vegetarian is just a life style and eating choice.


2 Responses to “Rant: Vegetarian”

  1. Fair points, I am a meat eater but have lots of vegetarians in my family. My family is in the process of cooking up a vegie storm. They do get asked a lot of questions about it and it is a choice and a very dedicated one to make. I do think its fair though when people ask why you are vegatarian. I have friends that think that eating meat is survival of the fittest it is just the way we mass produce meat that makes it a problem. Then I have other people that do it purely to avoid meat fat, nothing ethical about it. I think this one at times can be a fairly legit question.

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