Irrelevant Thoughts and Other Things
Come with an open mind, 'cause it's going to get pretty weird up in here.

Irrelevance #1

Some things just bother me.  In fact a lot of things bother me.  My last name, people, the daylight, sunshine, the sun, heat, the light of the sun, tanning, sun rays.  How many times did I mention the sun in there?  Five?  Yeah, five.  That is odd.

Well, these things are awful.  Am I right?  I’m serious here.  Who wants skin cancer?  I bet you do if you try to tan!  Yeah, you know it.

My last name is stupid.  Good luck getting nything more about my last name out of me though!!!  Yeah, go privacy!!!

Daylight.  In all truth wouldn’t the world be a better place if we lived our lives at night?  I mean war would be harder to have.  Well, maybe we would develop night-vision.  How cool would that be?  Huh?  Yeah, pretty damn cool.

The sunshine.  Oh, skin cancer.  How I hate you sunlight and skin cancer.

Sun rays.  Isn’t that just like sunshine and the sun?

Heat.  Wait, what?  I love heat.  And I’m always cold!  Why?  Why do I have to be cold?  Me?  Why?!?  Wow.  Can I say: “Overly dramatic”?  Well, let me try.  Nope, can’t say things over post.  I can only type them and we all know I can type that.

Well, I know this girl.  I forget her name but she liked tanning.  Damn.  What was her name?  Hmmm…  Well, point is I can’t rememeber her name.  Must have not been important.  Never mind.

Would the world be better without war?  I bet so.  But then what if it wasn’t?  Then it could be worse.  Or even worse, the same as now!!!  Ahhhh!  Duck in cover.

Hey, I like ducks.  I mean they are so cute.  So very cute.  See?  Look:

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